HomeMobileBest Website Development Courses by Yahoo Baba

Best Website Development Courses by Yahoo Baba

Description about Yahoo Baba:

Here is the popular Yahoo Baba Courses,

Yahoo Baba YouTube, Yahoo Baba Html, Yahoo Baba php, Yahoo Baba.net, Yahoo Baba JavaScript, Yahoo Baba CSS, Yahoo Baba bootstrap, Yahoo Baba jQuery, Yahoo Baba Advanced JavaScript and much more.

Course 1: Yahoo Baba YouTube

On Yahoo Baba YouTube channel, You can Learn web designing, web development, and other programming languages in Hindi / Urdu. This channel covers all web development’s latest techniques with solid examples. You can visit the official website www.yahoobaba.net

Course 2: Yahoo Baba Html

In this Yahoo Baba HTML Course you will learn HTML Introduction, HTML Basic, HTML Formatting, HTML Font, HTML Lists, HTML Marquee, HTML Pre & Horizontal Rule, HTML Image, HTML Anchor, HTML Anchor II, HTML Tables, HTML Table Layout, HTML Iframe, HTML Audio, HTML Video, HTML Forms, HTML Forms, HTML Form Elements, HTML5, HTML5 Input Types

Course 3: Yahoo Baba php

In this Yahoo Baba php Course you will learn,

  • PHP Introduction
  • PHP Install
  • PHP Structure
  • PHP Echo/Print
  • PHP Variables
  • PHP Data Types
  • PHP Comment
  • PHP Constants
  • PHP Arithmetic Operators
  • PHP Assign Operators
  • PHP Comparison Operators
  • PHP If
  • PHP Logical Operators
  • PHP If else
  • PHP If Elseif
  • PHP Switch
  • PHP Ternary Operator
  • PHP String
  • PHP While Loop
  • PHP Do While Loop
  • PHP For Loop
  • PHP Nested Loop
  • PHP Continue & Break
  • PHP Goto
  • PHP Functions
  • PHP Functions with Parameters
  • PHP Functions with Returning Value
  • PHP Function Argument By Reference
  • PHP Variable Functions
  • PHP Recursive Function
  • PHP Global/Local Variable
  • PHP Array
  • PHP Associative Array
  • PHP Foreach Loop
  • PHP Multidimensional Array
  • PHP Multidimensional Associative Array
  • PHP Foreach Loop with List
  • PHP Array Count & Sizeof
  • PHP Array In_array & Array_search
  • PHP Array_replace & Array_replace_recursive
  • PHP Array_pop & Array_push
  • PHP Array_shift & Array_unshift
  • PHP Array_Merge & Array_Combine
  • PHP Array_Slice
  • PHP Array_Splice
  • PHP Array Key
  • PHP Array Intersect
  • PHP Array Diff & Udiff
  • PHP Array_Values & Array_Unique
  • PHP Array_Column & Array_Chunk
  • PHP Array_Flip & Array_Change_Key_Case
  • PHP Array_Sum & Array_Product
  • PHP Array_Rand & Shuffle
  • PHP Array_Fill & Array_Fill_Keys
  • PHP Array_Walk & Array_Walk_Recursive
  • PHP Array_Map
  • PHP Array_Reduce
  • PHP Array Sorting
  • PHP Array Traversing
  • PHP Array List
  • PHP Array Extract & Compact
  • PHP Array_Range
  • PHP Explode & Implode
  • PHP String Str_split & Chunk_split
  • PHP String LowerCase & UpperCase
  • PHP String Length & Count
  • PHP String Search & Find Position
  • PHP String Search Functions
  • PHP String Substr Function
  • PHP String Replace Functions
  • PHP String Compare Functions
  • PHP String Strrev & Str_shuffle
  • PHP String Str_Pad & Str_Repeat
  • PHP String Trim & Chop
  • PHP String Addslashes & Stipslashes
  • PHP Htmlentities & Htmlspecialchars
  • PHP Md5 & Sha1
  • PHP Convert_uuencode & Convert_uudecode
  • PHP bin2hex & hex2bin
  • PHP Chr & Ord
  • PHP Strip_tags & Wordwrap
  • PHP Math Min & Max
  • PHP Math Ceil, Floor, Round, Abs
  • PHP Math Intdiv, Sqrt, Pow
  • PHP Math Rand, Mt_rand & Lcg_value
  • PHP Date
  • PHP Time
  • PHP Mktime & Gmmktime
  • PHP Date_create & Date_format
  • PHP Checkdate & Date_diff
  • PHP Date_add, Date_sub & Date_modify
  • PHP Getdate, Localtime, Gettimeofday
  • PHP Date_parse
  • PHP Strtotime, Strftime, Gmstrftime
  • PHP Date_time_set
  • PHP TimeZone
  • PHP Include & Require
  • PHP Include_once & Require_once
  • PHP Session
  • PHP FILES Variable & move_uploaded_file
  • PHP Die & Exit
  • PHP Is Conditional Functions
  • PHP Filter_Input
  • PHP FileSystem Functions
  • PHP FileSystem Functions-II
  • PHP FileSystem Is Functions
  • PHP Chmod & Fileperms
  • PHP File_put_contents & File_get_contents
  • PHP Glob Function
  • PHP Getcwd, Chdir, Scandir
  • PHP OpenDir, ReadDir, CloseDir
  • PHP Regular Expressions
  • PHP Regular Expressions – II
  • PHP Preg_replace & Preg_split
  • How to Send Email with PHP

PHP Forms

  • PHP Filter Validations
  • PHP Sanitize Filter
  • PHP Sanitize Filter – II
  • PHP Filter_Var_Array


  • PHP MySQLi Fetch Functions
  • PHP MySQLi Affected Rows
  • PHP MySQLi Error Functions


  • PHP MySQL CRUD – Read Data
  • PHP MySQL CRUD – Create Data
  • PHP MySQL CRUD – Update Data
  • PHP MySQL CRUD – Update Data – II
  • PHP MySQL CRUD – Delete Data

News Blog Project

  • News Blog Project: Introduction
  • News Blog Project: Add Modify Delete Users
  • News Blog Project: Pagination
  • News Blog Project: Login & Logout
  • News Blog Project: Add & Show Post
  • News Blog Project: Update & Delete Post
  • News Blog Project: Delete Image from Folder
  • News Blog Project: Front & Single Page
  • News Blog Project: Category Page
  • News Blog Project: Author Page
  • News Blog Project: Search Page
  • News Blog Project: Recent Post
  • News Blog Project: Dynamic Title
  • News Blog Project: Setting Page
  • News Blog Project: Resolve Issues & Tips


  • PHP OOP Introduction
  • PHP OOP Constructor
  • PHP OOP Inheritance
  • PHP OOP Access Modifier
  • PHP OOP Overriding
  • PHP OOP Abstract
  • PHP OOP Interface
  • PHP OOP Static Members
  • PHP OOP Late Static Binding
  • PHP OOP Traits
  • PHP OOP Traits Overriding
  • PHP OOP Type Hinting
  • PHP OOP Namespace
  • PHP OOP Method Chaining
  • PHP OOP Magic Methods
  • PHP OOP Destruct
  • PHP OOP Autoload
  • PHP OOP CallStatic
  • PHP OOP toString
  • PHP OOP Wakeup
  • PHP OOP Clone
  • PHP OOP Invoke
  • PHP OOP Magic Constants
  • PHP OOP Conditional Functions
  • PHP OOP Get Functions
  • PHP MySQLi Object-Oriented
  • PHP MySQLi Prepare Function
  • PHP MySQLi Prepare Function-2


  • PHP OOP CRUD Class: Introduction
  • PHP OOP CRUD Class: Insert Method
  • PHP OOP CRUD Class: Update Method
  • PHP OOP CRUD Class: Delete Method
  • PHP OOP CRUD Class: Select Method
  • PHP OOP CRUD Class: Pagination Method
  • PHP OOP CRUD Class: Usage Example
  • PHP E-commerce Shopping Website Project


  • PHP MySQL PDO: Prepare Method
  • PHP PDO: Advance Fetch Styles
  • PHP Exception Handling
  • PHP PDO with Exception Handling
  • PHP PDO – Transaction
  • PHP PDO – bindColumn Method


  • PHP Ajax Introduction
  • PHP Ajax Insert Records in Database
  • PHP Ajax Delete Records From Database
  • PHP Ajax Update Records of Database
  • PHP Ajax Live Search
  • PHP Ajax Pagination
  • PHP Ajax Load More Pagination
  • PHP Ajax Serialize Form Data
  • PHP Ajax – $.Get & $.Post
  • JSON Introduction
  • Read JSON Data with jQuery
  • PHP Json_Encode Function
  • PHP Json_Decode Function
  • PHP Create Dynamic JSON File
  • PHP REST API Introduction
  • PHP REST API: Read Data
  • PHP REST API : Create & Update Data
  • PHP REST API: Delete & Search Data
  • PHP REST API in Web Page
  • PHP REST API in Web Page – 2
  • PHP REST API in Web Page – 3
  • PHP CoronaVirus API
  • PHP Ajax Dependent Select Box
  • PHP Ajax Delete Multiple Data Using Checkbox
  • PHP Ajax Image Upload & Remove
  • PHP Ajax Load Records Using SelectBox
  • PHP Ajax AutoComplete Textbox
  • PHP Ajax Insert Checkbox Values
  • PHP Ajax – Range Slider Search
  • PHP Ajax – Date Range Search
  • PHP Ajax – Drag & Drop File Upload with DropZonejs

PHP with JavaScript fetch() Method

  • PHP MySQL Read Data with JS Fetch Method
  • PHP MySQL Insert Data with JS Fetch Method
  • PHP MySQL Update Data with JS Fetch Method
  • PHP MySQL Delete Data with JS Fetch Method
  • PHP MySQL Search Data with JS Fetch Method

Course 4: Yahoo Baba.net

Yahoo Baba.net is the website that have all the Website Tutorials and Resources. By following this, you can develop all types of websites with custom coding. Also, you can get the prebuilt website layouts for free.

Course 5: Yahoo Baba JavaScript

In this Yahoo Baba JavaScript Course you will learn,

  • JS Introduction
  • JS Implementation
  • HTML Tags in Javascript
  • JS Comments
  • JS Variables
  • JS Variables ( Let & Const )
  • JS Data Types
  • JS Arithmetic Operators
  • JS Assignment Operators
  • JS with Google Chrome Console
  • JS Comparison Operators
  • JS If Statement
  • JS Logical Operators
  • JS If Else Statement
  • JS If Else If Statement
  • JS Conditional Ternary Operator
  • JS Switch Case
  • JS Alert Box
  • JS Confirm Box
  • JS Prompt Box
  • JS Functions
  • JS Functions with Parameters
  • JS Functions with Return Value
  • JS Global & Local Variable
  • JS Events
  • JS While Loop
  • JS Do While Loop
  • JS For Loop
  • JS Break & Continue Statement
  • JS Even & Odd with Loops
  • JS Nested Loop
  • JavaScript Nested Loop – II
  • JS Arrays
  • JS Create Arrays Method – II
  • JS Multidimensional Arrays
  • JS Modify & Delete Array
  • JS Array Sort & Reverse
  • JS Array Pop & Push
  • JS Array Shift & Unshift
  • JS Array Concat & Join
  • JS Array Slice & Splice
  • JS isArray
  • JS Array index
  • JS Array Includes
  • JS Array Some & Every
  • JS Array find & findIndex
  • JS Array Filter
  • JS Array Methods
  • JS forEach Loop
  • JS Objects
  • JS Objects – II
  • JS Array of Objects
  • JS Const Variable with Array & Objects
  • JS For in Loop
  • JS Map Method
  • JS String Methods
  • JS String Methods – II
  • JS Number Methods
  • JS Math Methods
  • JS Date Methods


  • JS DOM Introduction
  • JS DOM Targeting Methods
  • JS DOM Get & Set Value Methods
  • JS DOM querySelectors
  • JS DOM CSS Styling Methods
  • JS addEventListener Method
  • JS classList Methods
  • JS parent Method
  • JS Children Methods
  • JS firstChild & lastChild Method
  • JS nextSibling & prevSibling Method
  • JS create & TextNode
  • JS appendChild & insertBefore
  • JS insert
  • JS replaceChild & removeChild
  • JS cloneNode
  • JS Contains
  • JS has
  • JS isEqualNode

JS Forms

  • JS Form Events
  • JS Form Events – II

JS Effects

  • JS Interval
  • JS Timeout

JS Browser BOM

  • JS BOM Introduction
  • JS Window Height & Width
  • JS Window Open & Close
  • JS Window move
  • JS resize
  • JS scroll
  • JS Location Object
  • JS History Object

Course 6: Yahoo Baba CSS

  • In this Yahoo Baba CSS Course you will learn,
  • CSS Introduction
  • CSS Implementation
  • CSS Basic Selectors
  • CSS Color & Background Color
  • CSS Borders
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Padding
  • CSS Margin
  • CSS Height/Width
  • CSS Min-Height/Max-Height
  • CSS Min-Width/Max-Width
  • CSS Box-Sizing
  • CSS Overflow
  • CSS Border-Radius
  • CSS Box-Shadow
  • CSS Float
  • CSS Clear
  • CSS Font
  • CSS Text Formatting
  • CSS Text-Decoration
  • CSS Word
  • CSS Text-Shadow
  • CSS White-Space
  • CSS Text-Overflow
  • CSS Writing-Mode
  • CSS Column-Count
  • CSS @font-face Rule
  • CSS with Google Fonts
  • CSS List-Style
  • CSS Background-Image
  • CSS Background-Attachment
  • CSS Background-Size
  • CSS Background-Origin
  • CSS Background-Clip
  • CSS Color Modes
  • CSS Gradient Background
  • CSS Opacity
  • CSS Background-Blend-Mode
  • CSS Mix-Blend-Mode
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Visibility
  • CSS Html Basic Layout Design
  • CSS Position
  • CSS Z-index
  • CSS Media Queries
  • CSS Table Properties
  • CSS Resize
  • CSS Cursor
  • CSS3 Text-Decoration-Thickness
  • CSS3 Text-Underline-Offset
  • CSS Display Table

CSS Advanced

  • CSS Units
  • CSS Variables – var()
  • CSS Calc() function
  • CSS Clip-Path
  • CSS Shape-Outside
  • CSS Filter
  • CSS Transition
  • CSS Transform 2D
  • CSS Transform 3D
  • CSS Perspective
  • CSS Transform-Style
  • CSS Backface-Visibility
  • CSS Animation
  • CSS Animation-Fill-Mode
  • CSS Object-Fit
  • CSS User-Select
  • CSS Box-Decoration-Break
  • CSS Quotes
  • CSS Border-Image
  • CSS Advance ( Combinator Selectors )
  • CSS Advanced ( Attribute Selectors )
  • CSS Pseudo-Classes Selectors
  • CSS Pseudo Element Selectors
  • CSS Before and After Pseudo Elements
  • CSS Attr() function
  • CSS Counter
  • CSS Caret-Color
  • CSS @import Rule – Import StyleSheet
  • CSS with Icon Fonts
  • CSS Scrollbar Styling
  • CSS Display Flow-Root
  • CSS CurrentColor
  • CSS3 ::Marker Pseudo Element
  • CSS !important
  • CSS3 @supports
  • CSS : Placeholder-Shown
  • CSS List Style Type : String
  • CSS Scroll-Behavior
  • CSS Scroll-Snap
  • CSS File-Selector-Button Pseudo Element
  • CSS Backdrop Filter
  • CSS3 :is() Pseudo Class
  • CSS Text-orientation
  • CSS :Focus-within Pseudo Class

CSS Grid

  • CSS Grid Layout Introduction
  • CSS Grid Building with Rows & Columns
  • CSS Grid-Gap
  • CSS Grid Items Positioning
  • CSS Grid Items Spanning
  • CSS Grid Lines Naming
  • CSS Grid Area Naming
  • CSS Grid MinMax function
  • CSS Grid Implicit & Explicit Grid
  • CSS Grid Items Alignment
  • CSS Grid Tracks Alignment
  • CSS Grid Auto-Fill & Auto-Fit
  • CSS Grid Fit-Content
  • CSS Grid Order Property
  • CSS Grid – Nested Grids
  • CSS Grid – Overlapping Grid Items

CSS Flex

  • CSS Flexbox Introduction
  • CSS Flexbox Flex-Direction
  • CSS Flex-Wrap & Flex-Flow
  • CSS Flexbox Justify-Content
  • CSS Flexbox Align-Items
  • CSS Flexbox Align-Content
  • CSS Flexbox Align-Self
  • CSS Flexbox Order
  • CSS Flexbox Flex-Grow
  • CSS Flexbox Flex-Basis
  • CSS Flexbox Flex-Shrink
  • CSS Flexbox with Margin Auto
  • CSS Flexbox – Nested Flex
  • CSS Flexbox – Align Form Elements
  • Create Website Layout with CSS Flexbox

Course 7: Yahoo Baba Bootstrap

In this Yahoo Baba Bootstrap Course you will learn,

  • Bootstrap 4 Introduction
  • Bootstrap 4 Installation
  • Bootstrap 4 Container & Row
  • Bootstrap 4 Col
  • Bootstrap 4 Col Grid
  • Bootstrap 4 Offset
  • Bootstrap 4 Order
  • Bootstrap 4 Nesting
  • Bootstrap 4 Margin
  • Bootstrap 4 Padding
  • Bootstrap 4 Horizontal Alignment
  • Bootstrap 4 Vertical Alignment
  • Bootstrap 4 Align-Content
  • Bootstrap 4 Align-Self
  • Bootstrap 4 Flex Direction
  • Bootstrap 4 Display
  • Bootstrap 4 Float & Clearfix
  • Bootstrap 4 Position & Overflow
  • Bootstrap 4 Margin & Padding
  • Bootstrap 4 Color & Background Color
  • Bootstrap 4 Text Formatting
  • Bootstrap 4 Text & List Styling
  • Bootstrap 4 Button
  • Bootstrap 4 Button Group
  • Bootstrap 4 List Group
  • Bootstrap 4 Table
  • Bootstrap Pagination & Breadcrumb
  • Bootstrap Form Classes
  • Bootstrap Inline & Horizontal Form
  • Bootstrap Form Custom Classes
  • Bootstrap Input Group
  • Bootstrap Navs
  • Bootstrap Navbar
  • Bootstrap Image & Video
  • Bootstrap Border & Shadow
  • Bootstrap Card
  • Bootstrap Card Group & Card Columns
  • Bootstrap Media Object
  • Boostrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress Bar
  • Bootstrap Spinners
  • Bootstrap Jumbotron
  • Bootstrap Tooltips
  • Bootstrap Popover
  • Bootstrap Alerts
  • Bootstrap Modals
  • Bootstrap Collapse & Accordion
  • Bootstrap Tabs
  • Bootstrap Carousel
  • Bootstrap Toasts
  • Bootstrap Scrollspy
  • Bootstrap 5 Introduction
  • Bootstrap 5 JavaScript Plugins

Course 8: Yahoo Baba jQuery

  • In this Yahoo Baba jQuery Course you will learn,
  • jQuery Introduction
  • jQuery Implementation
  • jQuery Implementation with CDN
  • jQuery Basic Syntax
  • jQuery Selectors

jQuery Events

  • jQuery Mouse Events
  • jQuery Keyboard Events
  • jQuery Form Events
  • jQuery Window Events

jQuery HTML

  • jQuery Get Methods
  • jQuery Set Methods
  • jQuery Add/Remove Class
  • jQuery CSS Method
  • jQuery On & Off Method
  • jQuery Append & Prepend
  • jQuery After & Before
  • jQuery Empty & Remove
  • jQuery AppendTo() & PrependTo()
  • jQuery Clone Method
  • jQuery Replace
  • jQuery Wrap & UnWrap
  • jQuery WrapAll & WrapInner

jQuery Dimensions

  • jQuery Width & Height
  • jQuery Position & Offset

jQuery Effects

  • jQuery scroll Method
  • jQuery hasClass Method
  • jQuery Hide Show & Toggle
  • jQuery fade
  • jQuery slide
  • jQuery Animate Method
  • jQuery Stop Method

jQuery Traversing

  • jQuery Chaining
  • jQuery parent closest
  • jQuery Children & Find
  • jQuery Sibling
  • jQuery First/last/eq/not/slice
  • jQuery has & Is Method
  • jQuery each Method

jQuery Advanced

  • jQuery page
  • jQuery Event Type
  • jQuery Event Which
  • jQuery Event Target
  • jQuery Event preventDefault
  • jQuery Event stopPropagation
  • jQuery Event Data
  • jQuery Plugin introduction

Course 9: Yahoo Baba Advanced JavaScript

In this Yahoo Baba Advanced JavaScript Course you will learn,

  • Advance Js – Introduction
  • Advance Js – Let & Const Variable
  • Advance Js – Template Strings
  • Advance Js – Arrow Functions
  • Advance Js – Rest Operator
  • Advance Js – Spread Operator
  • Advance Js – Object Literals
  • Advance Js – Destructuring Array
  • Advance Js – Destructuring Object
  • Advance Js – OOP Introduction
  • Advance Js – Class Inheritance
  • Advance Js – Modules
  • Advance Js – Promises
  • Advance Js – Promise. all
  • advance Js – Ajax
  • advance Js – Fetch API
  • Advance Js – Async & Await
  • Advance Js – Symbols
  • Advance Js – Iterators
  • Advance Js – Generators
  • Advance Js – Strict Mode

Conclusion: Here was all the details and topics that you can access for free. To access any of these go to Yahoo Baba YouTube. To get 3 Best Ahrefs Keyword Research Tool Alternative for Free Click here.




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